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An instructor at Mountain Maryland Firearms Training will teach the Basic Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude Necessary for Owning and Using a Rifle Safety.


The NRA Basics of  Rifle Shooting is an ILT (Instructor Led Training) Course that teaches the Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude necessary for owning and using a rifle safely.  The course is intended for all adults, or minors accompanied by and adult,  regardless of previous shooting experience or NRA affiliation.   

Some of the topics include but are not limited to :

Gun Safety Rules

Proper operation of bolt, pump, semi-automatic, and lever actions rifles

Ammunition selection and knowledge

Selecting and storing a rifle

Basic Shooting fundamentals

A NRA Certified Instructor will teach gun safety rules, range protocol, proper handling, loading/unloading procedures, application of rifle shooting fundamentals, and a live fire and written test.  Students must pass with a 90 % or better on the written test and pass the shooting qualification in order to receive a certificate.  

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